buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title GoTaxi - Explore Goa to Gokarna style.css header class hero nav div GoTaxi class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Packages href #packages a Login href #login-modal a Sign Up href #signup-modal div class hero-content h1 Discover Hidden Gems from Goa to Gokarna p Experience the journey of a lifetime with our curated travel packages a Book Now class primary-button href #packages main section id packages class packages-grid h2 Choose Your Adventure div class package-card img hidden-gems.jpg alt Hidden Gems Package h3 Hidden Treasures p Explore unexplored beaches, secret waterfalls, and local hideouts button Book Hidden Gems class book-btn div class package-card img trending.jpg alt Social Media Hotspots h3 Trending Spots p Visit Instagram-worthy locations and popular attractions button Book Trending Spots class book-btn div class package-card img peaceful.jpg alt Peaceful Escapes h3 Peaceful Escapes p Discover serene locations away from the crowds button Book Peaceful Places class book-btn section id language-selector class language-container label Select Language: select id lang-select option English value en option Hindi value hi option Konkani value ko footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a About Us href #about a Contact href #contact a Terms href #terms p Made with love for travelers script.js